Buying property is a huge life event – and it comes with no shortage of legal considerations.

A trustworthy real estate lawyer can guide you through all the relevant transactions, whether you’re acquiring a single-family home, a multi-family property, or a commercial property for your business or investment.

Michele Wilson Jones,
House Closing Lawyer Whitley City Kentucky

Swing by our office whenever we’re open to see how we can help your case:

Mortgages and Promissory Notes
Purchase Contracts
Title Searches
Land Contracts
Loan Closings
Adverse Possession

Request a Call Back

Pop in to our Whitley City office to meet Michele and our legal assistants Niki and Kevin. Don’t want to walk in? Give the practice a call or send an email to make an appointment. No matter how you get here, everyone here at Michele Wilson Jones, Attorney at Law is looking forward to meeting you.

Ph. (606) 376-2200

127 S. Main Street, Whitley City, KY

Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you within one hour, Monday – Friday.

A Proven Record

of Legal Victories for Our Clients

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Free Consultation

Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you within one hour, Monday – Friday.


127 Main Street
Whitley City, KY


Monday to Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm